Get That Classic Look
If you are looking for a label that gives your items a more classic look, the selection of sew-on woven labels from It’s Mine Labels are ideal. These labels can be personalized to lend your item a traditional, beautiful hand-made feel, whether you are looking to put the finishing touch on linens, clothes, accessories or other items for your store or loved ones.
The sew-on labels are available in a variety of styles: Classic Woven Labels, Designer Woven Labels and Woven ID labels. These labels can accommodate one to three lines of text depending on which style you choose. A large range of colors, fonts, icons and sizes is available so that you can design a label that is absolutely perfect for your items.
The labels are especially ideal if you have handmade products, since it’s hard to beat the classic look that sew-on labels provide, so begin designing your label here today.