Tips for Creating the Perfect Clothing LabelTips for Creating the Perfect Clothing Label
If you aren’t sure how to go about designing your perfect custom clothing label, you may need a little direction. Here are some of our favorite tips for making a name label or clothing label that is perfect for your garments.
- Study your design or logo, as you may already have an idea in your brand that will translate well to your labels. Make sure you use trial and error to test your labels before ordering them, by printing out different sizes and scales of the image. Cut out the different designs and place them on your clothes to see what they will look like. This way, you can make changes to create the perfect, aesthetically pleasing label, before ordering them and finding out they are too big or look too flashy.
- Poke around your closet and get examples from other labels. Make sure you don’t copy directly, as this would be copyright infringement, but you can always measure things and copy down successful logos, fonts or color combinations to consider when you design your own labels.
- By the same token, go shopping and see what your favorite — and least favorite — stores chose to do with their labels. You can find many dos and don’ts, simply by looking around at what your fellow designers have already done.
- Make sure you leave room on your labels to attach them. For instance, if you’ve chosen sew-in labels, there needs to be enough room around the edges for you to sew on your label without obscuring the content in the middle.