Tips for Easing a Loved One’s Transition to Assisted Living
As coronavirus restrictions gradually loosen, assisted living facilities across the nation are beginning to reopen. If you’ve been planning to move an elderly parent or loved one into a nursing home, you’re most likely feeling the strain that often accompanies these life-altering transitions.
You’re not just concerned about your loved one’s physical health, but also their emotional well-being as they leave their familiar surroundings behind and start a new, somewhat frightening chapter among strangers in a smaller living space.
We understand. At It’s Mine Labels, we designed our personalized nursing home clothing tags to help people like you, in a small way, with this big step. While many aspects of the transition are out of your control, you can make the process a little bit easier on your family member.
This infographic illustrates a few simple suggestions.
As you’re packing up your loved one’s belongings to make the move to assisted living, consider browsing our website. Our custom clothing labels for seniors are beautiful, practical and durable, and able to withstand the rigors of the nursing home’s heavy-duty laundry machines.
Our labels come in a number of different fabrics, and if you’re wondering what kind of label is best for different items, we suggest sew-on labels for knitted articles, such as sweaters (glue won’t stick), and smooth, iron-on labels for undershirts, bed and bath linens. We also offer snap-on clothing tags that are removable and reusable.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with an order. We wish you and your loved one a smooth and healthy transition to nursing home life.