Tips for Starting Your Own Clothing Line
If you enjoy sewing, you might want to consider starting your own clothing line as a side business to earn extra money or as a potential full time business venture, once you know your designs will be successful. Before you start selling, there are several things you need to do first, as follows:
- Develop a product everyone will want. It’s one thing to make clothes, and another to create the latest trendy item.
- Create a design for your product. Sketch out ideas on paper or ask a friend with art/drawing experience to help.
- Get the materials to make an initial “prototype” of the design. Your “prototype” can be used to show potential customers, buyers, stores, and more. Remember to add a sewing label to the item to give it a customized finishing touch.
- Start taking orders. If you do not have the money to invest in sourcing materials in bulk, you can take orders and, once you have enough, then produce the finished goods. Just remember to deliver items, as promised and on time.
- Look for ways to obtain resources to grow the business. Kickstarter and other online funding campaigns are a great way to get people to invest in your business. You can also consider taking out a personal loan or finding potential investors.
- Determine your production methods. At some point, hopefully, orders will be coming in faster than you can produce items on your own. Before you get to this point, have a contingency plan in place to expand production, like finding a clothing manufacturer to help.
- Decide where you want to sell your items. Depending on the type of products you make, you could sell at festivals, farmer’s markets, online, out of a retail store, or a combination of these methods.
By taking the time to carefully plan your business and implement the right processes, you will find it is easier to start a clothing line business. For all of your clothing labels and name labels with customizable options, call It’s Mine Labels at 1.866.695.2235.