Uses for Bag Tags
Children have so many bags, and they always seem to be leaving them in the same place as other kids’ bags. This can make finding theirs again or keeping track of all of their bags difficult. Custom labels and name labels like bag tags help you and your child keep track of their bags much more easily. These name labels for kids are available in a range of kid-friendly designs and colors, and there are many different font sizes to choose from.
Here are several uses for bag tags:
- Lunch Boxes: These seem to be one of the most difficult things for kids to keep track of. They go to school, eat lunch as quickly as they can so they can run out to the playground and play, and leave their lunchbox somewhere by accident, not to be found again until you search through lost and found.
- Band Instruments: If your child is in band, they likely are carrying their instrument around a lot. If they leave it in band storage, there’s a chance other kids may accidentally use it. To save your child’s instrument the wear and tear of multiple users, attach a bag tag to the handle.
- Sporting Bags: If your child is enrolled in an after school sport, play, dance class or other activity where they need to take a special sporting bag, attach a tag to ensure other kids don’t accidentally take them home with them. This can be easy to do when 20 or more bags that look similar are in a pile, but a name label will help reduce the chance of this happening.