More Uses for Snappy Tags
Snappy Tags are one of the most convenient and effective custom clothing labels, as they attach directly to the clothing labels that are already sewn into your garments or those of your loved ones. We provided several uses for these snap-on labels for clothing in our previous blog, including school, college, and camp.
Here are several more instances where snap-on labels may be the perfect option:
- Nursing Home: When your loved ones grow older, they often become more forgetful. This means they may need a little help holding on to their garments. If they live in a nursing home, the staff will appreciate the Snappy Tag, as it will help them find the garment’s owner quickly and easily.
- Sports Club: If your child, spouse or other loved one is on a sporting team or is a member of a club, they likely wear the same uniform as the other people involved. This means it is almost impossible to distinguish which belongs to whom if they should get mixed up. A simple Snappy Tag solves your problem.
- Hospitals: These tags are also useful at hospitals, as they are a durable and clean way to label linens and other garments, or fabrics that belong in different departments or to different patients.
No matter the venue, if you or your loved one will be going somewhere that they are likely to lose or mix up clothing, a snappy tag is the perfect, convenient solution. Make sure you include the best information possible for the situation, including name, contact information, or room number.