Woven Label Material Options

Woven Label Material Options

Woven Label Material Options

Woven clothing labels bring a feeling of quality and durability to your garments. They have a timeless look that more modern labels lack, and work well with a wide range of materials. When designing your custom woven labels, there are a range of materials you can choose for the label itself. Here is a quick guide to the most commonly available types of material for woven fabric labels for clothing:

  • Damask: Damask has a slightly shiny, reflective look and is the most common material for woven labels. This synthetic material has a tight weave, allows for great detail, and is soft and pliable. These labels are durable, easy to sew on, and don’t usually irritate your clients’ skin.
  • Satin: Satin woven labels are much shinier and softer than damask labels. They have a delicate, luxurious feel to them, and tend to be the prettiest-appearing labels. They tend to be slightly stiffer than the other labels, and often have a lower thread count, but they are less irritating to the skin than the other two materials.
  • Taffeta: Taffeta has a dull look to it, and has a medium thread count that numbers between Damask, which has a higher count, and satin, which has a lower count. This material tends to be pliable and durable, and is often the most cost-effective option of the three. You most often find these labels on canvas, bags or other items where it will be exposed to rougher use than daily use garments.

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