
Use Name Labels on Employee Uniforms to Prevent Loss

If you use a professional laundry service to launder your employee provided uniforms, it is recommended to use your own uniform clothing labels. Most laundry services are not responsible for lost and misplaced items. If there is a mix-up at the service, unlabeled clothing could easily end up in another client’s clean laundry, and you are left replacing the uniform for your employee. By using custom clothing labels with the employee’s name and your company name or logo, the laundry service will know what apparel is yours. While you might be tempted to use fabric markers or permanent markers, the...


How to Safely Remove Labels on Clothing

Contrary to popular belief, it is not against the law to remove clothing labels from apparel after you have purchased it. You are free to cut off the use and care tags, and remove the brand name label. The main reason people remove labels from their clothing is because they are itchy, uncomfortable, and stick out from underneath the apparel. Just remember to be careful, by following these useful tips: Remove external hang tag labels with a pair of scissors. Never pull or try to break those plastic hang tags, because you could accidently break a seam, put a...


Make Moving into Assisted Living Easier for Your Parents

As your parents get older, eventually there comes a time when they have to move into an assisted living facility. The move is often stressful for your parents because they are giving up their home and a large portion of their belongings. To make the move easier for your parents, there are several things you can do long before their scheduled move-in date. Make Regular Visits to the Facility: Take your parents to the facility several times a week. Most facilities do not mind your parents stopping by to visit. This allows your parents to learn what activities are...


What Information Should Be on Clothing Labels for Kids?

In today’s society, there is concern over how much information is too much information. This is true especially when it comes to schools asking parents to use name labels on their children’s clothing. Schools do this to ensure clothing does not end up in their lost and found boxes, and that it goes home with the right child. However, what exactly needs to be included on clothing labels for kids? Dos First Name and Initial of Last Name: If there are two John Smiths in a classroom, then adding your child’s middle initial to the label is sufficient. There should...


Use Clothing Labels to Determine Whether Clothes Are Truly Vintage (Part II)

This is part two of a two part blog series where we look back at clothing labels and changes in the clothing industry since the 1940s. Part one covered the time period from the 1940s through the 1960s. This blog post picks up with the 1960s and continues through today. As clothing importation continued to expand in the late 1960s and 1970s, another country that clothes started to come from was (South) Korea. Labels from this time period simply stated the apparel was “Made in Korea.” It was also during the 1970s that a division between high-end fashion houses and...